Greenery in Interior Design: Bring the Outdoors Inside

5 min readOct 20, 2023
greenery in interior design


In the fast-paced world we live in today, finding a sense of tranquility and connection to nature within the confines of our homes has become increasingly essential. This is where the concept of incorporating greenery in interior design, often referred to as “biophilic design,” has gained prominence. The idea is simple yet profound: by adding greenery to your home or integrating plants and natural elements into our indoor spaces, we can create a more harmonious, visually appealing, and healthier living environment. In this blog, we will explore the benefits and various creative ways to bring the outdoors inside through greenery in interior design.

The Benefits of Greenery in Interior Design

  1. Improved Air Quality: One of the most significant advantages of introducing indoor plants into your home is their capacity to purify the air. Plants absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen during photosynthesis, which can help to freshen up indoor spaces. Additionally, some plants, like spider plants and snake plants, are particularly effective at removing common indoor pollutants.
  2. Stress Reduction: Studies have shown that the presence of greenery indoors can reduce stress and anxiety. The visual connection to nature and the calming effect of tending to plants can help create a more relaxed and peaceful atmosphere in your home.
  3. Enhanced Aesthetics: Incorporating greenery in interior design can add a touch of natural beauty to any space. Plants and natural elements introduce vibrant colors, interesting textures, and a sense of vitality, transforming even the most mundane rooms into captivating areas.

Creative Ways to Integrate Greenery

  1. Indoor Plants: Selecting the right indoor plants for your space is crucial. Consider factors like lighting conditions, maintenance, and the aesthetic you want to achieve. Popular choices include succulents, pothos, ferns, and peace lilies. Hanging plants from the ceiling, placing them on windowsills, or creating dedicated plant corners can breathe life into your interiors.
  2. Vertical Gardens: Vertical gardens, also known as living walls, are a stunning way to infuse greenery into your interior design. These walls consist of various plants grown vertically on a trellis or wall-mounted structure. They not only look beautiful but also save floor space.
  3. Terrariums: Terrariums are mini-ecosystems enclosed in glass containers. They are perfect for those with limited space and a penchant for creativity. You can assemble your terrarium with small plants, rocks, and decorative elements to add an intriguing, natural focal point to any room.
  4. Natural Materials: Incorporating natural materials like wood, stone, and bamboo in your interior design can also enhance the connection to the outdoors. These materials, in the form of furniture, flooring, or decor, provide a sense of authenticity and earthiness to your space.
  5. Large Potted Trees: For larger spaces, consider adding substantial potted trees like fiddle leaf figs or rubber plants. These trees not only make a dramatic statement but also offer a substantial infusion of greenery and life to the room.

Biophilic Design: A Connection to Nature

Biophilic design is a design approach that seeks to reconnect people with nature within the built environment. It goes beyond adding a few potted plants and encompasses a holistic approach to design. Blending the timeless allure of vintage interior design with the rejuvenating embrace of biophilic elements, you can create spaces where the past meets nature in perfect harmony. Here are some key principles of biophilic design:

  1. Natural Light: Maximizing natural light in your home not only reduces the need for artificial lighting but also connects you to the changing patterns of the outside world. Large windows, skylights, and strategically placed mirrors can help achieve this.
  2. Natural Elements: Incorporating natural materials such as stone, wood, and even water features can add a sense of authenticity and a direct link to the outdoors.
  3. Views of Nature: If your home has beautiful views, use them to your advantage. Large windows and strategically positioned seating areas can frame the landscape as a piece of living art.
  4. Indoor-Outdoor Transitions: Create seamless transitions between indoor and outdoor spaces. Sliding glass doors or a patio that flows naturally into your living room can provide a sense of continuity.

Maintenance Tips for Indoor Plants

While incorporating indoor plants can be a delightful and rewarding endeavor, it’s important to ensure their well-being. Here are some maintenance tips:

  1. Light: Different plants have varying light requirements. Be sure to place them in locations where they receive the right amount of light. Consider investing in a light meter to measure the intensity.
  2. Watering: Overwatering is a common mistake. Make sure to let the soil dry slightly between waterings. Each plant species has unique watering needs, so research your plants’ requirements.
  3. Humidity: Many indoor plants thrive in higher humidity levels. Placing a tray of water near your plants or using a humidifier can help maintain adequate humidity.
  4. Pruning and Cleaning: Regularly trim dead or yellowing leaves, and clean the dust from your plant’s foliage. This not only enhances the aesthetics but also promotes better health.
  5. Fertilizing: Indoor plants benefit from regular feeding during their active growth phases. Be sure to use the right type of fertilizer and follow recommended feeding schedules.

Indoor Greenery: Trends and Styles

The world of indoor greenery is constantly evolving, with new trends and styles emerging. Here are a few of the latest trends to consider:

  1. Jungle Style: Embrace a lush, jungle-inspired interior with an abundance of foliage, large plants, and an array of textures and colors.
  2. Minimalistic Greenery: For those who prefer a more subtle approach, minimalistic greenery involves clean lines and a limited number of well-placed, carefully selected plants.
  3. Terracotta and Natural Tones: Incorporate terracotta pots, earthy colors, and natural materials for a grounded and earthy aesthetic.
  4. Herb Gardens: Indoor herb gardens are popular for those who enjoy cooking. They add fragrance, flavor, and a touch of green to your kitchen.
  5. Green Walls: Green walls or plant partitions are an exciting way to divide spaces, creating a sense of privacy and an attractive backdrop.


Bringing the outdoors inside through greenery in interior design is more than just a design trend; it’s a way to create a healthier, more visually appealing, and tranquil living environment. Whether you’re a seasoned plant enthusiast or a beginner looking to integrate more greenery into your space, there are numerous options available to suit your style, space, and needs. So, why not take the first step towards a greener, more beautiful indoor environment today? Your home will thank you for it.

